I have figured out that the Injection does not work because the resoruce class is
_not_ regarded as a EJB by weblogic. The following code/callback in the resource
object is not called on WL, but it is called on GlassfishV3:
public void printMessageAfterPC() {
System.out.print("" + this.toString() + " constructed ");
Comparing the logfiles form Glassfish and WL, there is a line which I can see in the
Glassfish logfile, but not in WL, this:
_ThreadID=34;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Binding the EJB class com.siemens.imo.ra.cgis.presentation.list.restful.ManagerServiceRSFL to EJBManagedComponentProvider|#]
This I can not find in WL logfile.
What is this EJBManagedComponentProvider? How could I force WL to do this as GF does it?
Is there any config posibility, or this needs some coding?
-----Original Message-----
From: Ecker, Sandor (ext)
Sent: Montag, 26. Juli 2010 18:42
To: users_at_jersey.dev.java.net
Subject: [Jersey] @EJB inj. Glassfish3 OK, WebLogic10.3 NOTOK
I have a simple resource bean:
public class ManagerServiceRSFL {
IManagerService managerService;