[Jersey] A message body writer for Java type [...] and MIME media type [...] was not found

From: Javier Alvarez <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 08:27:01 +0200


I am developing a RESTful Web Service using Jersey and I encountered a
problem. The error is the following:

/A message body writer for Java type, class VDCType, and MIME media
type, application/vdc+xml, was not found./

VDCType is a class generated from an XSD file using JAXB XJC plugin for
Eclipse. And the error triggers when I try to send a response to the
client containing an instance of that class:

return Response.ok(vdc, "application/vdc+xml").build();

This is the VDCType class:

@XmlType(name = "VDC_Type", namespace = "http://schemas/...", propOrder = {
public class VDCType extends EntityType
     @XmlElement(name = "Type", namespace = "http://schemas/...")
     protected String type;
     @XmlElement(name = "StorageCapacity", namespace = "http://schemas/...")
     protected VDCType.StorageCapacity storageCapacity;
     @XmlElement(name = "ComputeCapacity", namespace = "http://schemas/...")
     protected VDCType.ComputeCapacity computeCapacity;
     @XmlElement(name = "AvailableNetworks", namespace =
     protected VDCType.AvailableNetworks availableNetworks;

      * Gets the value of the type property.
      * @return
      * possible object is
      * {_at_link String }
     public String getType() {
         return type;

I have read that maybe I have to implement my own message body writer,
but I am not sure on how to do it. Can anyone give me a clue?

Thank you.
