Re: [Jersey] JBehave and Jersey Test Framework integration

From: Bruno Cardoso <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 14:24:44 +0100

Hi Pavel,

This is what I did:

Created a scenario class normally:

*public class* TestScenario *extends *Scenario {
> public TestScenario() {
> super(new TestStep());
> }
> }

Then I created my Step:

*public class* TestStep *extends *Steps {
> private BaseJerseyTest jerseyTest;
> public TestStep() {
> jerseyTest = new BaseJerseyTest();
> }
> @Given("something")
> public void givenSomething() {
> System.out.println("give something");
> }
> @When("something")
> public void whenSomething() {
> System.out.println("when something");
> }
> @Then("something")
> public void thenSomething() {
> System.out.println("then something");
> WebResource webResource = jerseyTest.resource();
> Client client = webResource.path("/clients/1") //
> .type(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) //
> .get(Client.class);
> Assert.assertNotNull("Should have returned a client name!",
> client.getName());
> Assert.assertEquals("Should have matched the client name", "Bruno
> Cardoso", client.getName());
> }
> }

In my step I create an instance of JerseyTest

public class BaseJerseyTest extends JerseyTest {
> public BaseJerseyTest() {
> super(new
> WebAppDescriptor.Builder("com.sun.jersey.samples.springannotations.resources.jerseymanaged")
> //
> .contextPath(CONTEXT_PATH) //
> .contextParam("contextConfigLocation",
> "classpath:/spring/domain-bootstrap-context.xml") //
> .servletClass(SpringServlet.class) //
> .contextListenerClass(ContextLoaderListener.class) //
> .build());
> }
> }

This should work, using an external container for this test works fine:


But, if i try using grizzly doesn't work:

Any idea why this happens?

If I create a test JUnit class extending BaseJersey, both tests work fine,
external and grizzly but with JBehave, I'm having problems getting grizzly
to work.


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:

> Hello Bruno,
> I guess you probably can subclass JerseyTest in your
> org.jbehave.scenario.Scenario descendant, call manually JerseyTest.setUp()
> method in init phase, perform your tests and call JerseyTest.tearDown().
> It would not be as clear as simple Jersey or JBehave test but it should
> work.
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 5/25/10 12:30 PM, Bruno Cardoso wrote:
>> Hi
>> Is it possible to integrate both frameworks? Is it possible to create a
>> Jersey Testcase without extending JerseyTest ? because JBehave already
>> forces you to extend org.jbehave.scenario.Scenario.
>> Thanks
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