Disabling JCDIComponentProviderFactory ?

From: Morten <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 07:11:16 -0700 (PDT)

In order to simplify things and escape from bug 516, I am trying to see if I avoid the build-in weld-jersey-glassfish integration. However, even if I remove all weld annotations from jersey and create my own jersey resource singleton instances, I still get an incorrect AmbiguousResolutionException from JCDIComponentProviderFactory about some other non-jersey related classes. Since these are not related to jersey and I am not using weld with jersey (and the exception is incorrect), it would be better if I can just get rid of JCDIComponentProviderFactory so that it is not called by jersey in my app. Is there a way to disabling JCDIComponentProviderFactor with jersey as is in glassfish 3.0 ? Cheers, Morten