On 05/20/2010 03:48 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On May 20, 2010, at 3:36 PM, Martin Giese wrote:
>> On 05/20/2010 03:25 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>> jersey-core-1.0.3.jar
>>>> jersey-server-1.0.3.jar
>>>> Should I be using jersey-1.2 ?
>>> I have
>>> Yes, you will need to switch to 1.1.4 or greater. IIRC support for
>>> instantiating Application as a managed component was introduced in
>>> JAX-RS 1.1.
>> OK, thank you very much, it works with @PostConstruct in jersey 1.2!
> Great.
Wait a second... Switching to jersey 1.2 did that tomcat starts nicely,
everything looks like before in the server output, but when I send a
request to one of my resources, it says
"the requested resource () is not available"
No error messages on the server side. Any ideas?