RE: [Jersey] filter application.wadl

From: Patrick Sauts <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 14:34:11 +0200

In fact I've found a solution.
I write my own IntrospectionModeller to make the set of AbstractResources
then new WadlBuilder().generate..

Application a = new WadlBuilder().generate(resouresPathByLevel.get(level));
                                JAXBContext c =
                                Marshaller m = c.createMarshaller();
                                OutputStream out = new
                                m.marshal(a, out);
                                bytes = ((SecurityOutputStream)

I'm testing that solution right now.
But I'll have a look to those links, thank you for your help

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: mercredi 19 mai 2010 18:23
Subject: Re: [Jersey] filter application.wadl

Hi Patrick,

A very interesting use-case!

Unfortunately the only way i think you can obtain the set of abstract
resource is to write a resource filter to collect them:

which is a bit hacky.

// Register with resource config or in web.xml public class MyFilter
implements ResourceFilterFactory {
   @Context ResourceConfig rc;

   List<ResourceFilter> create(AbstractMethod am) {
     AbstractResource ar = am.getResource();

     // get set from resource config properties and add ar;
     // make sure to synchronize as this set could be modified concurrently
as sub-resources
     // are discovered

     return Collections.<ResourceFilter>emptyList();

If the WadlApplicationContext had a method:

   Set<AbstractResource> getRootResources();

would that work for you?

Or a more general solution would be to obtain the AbstractResource for a
resource class. This could be part of the ResourceContext interface:

   AbstractResource getAbstractResource(Class c);

Then you could obtain the root resource classes from the ResourceConfig.

An alternative is a callback mechanism to accept or decline generation of
WADL for an abstract resource.

     public Application getApplication(ResourceAcceptor ra) {

   public interface ResourceAcceptor {
     public boolean accept(AbstractResource ar);

Can you log an issue?


On May 18, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Patrick Sauts wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using Jersey with some security (OAuth + accreditation
> level).
> We would like to display in the "application.wadl" only the resources
> that are allowed for a member. And we are facing some difficulties
> doing that, what would be the better approach to do it?
> We also use the extended Wadl.
> We try to use "application.wadl" display as a service:
> So we would like to obtain something like that
> @Path("/application.wadl")
> public class ApplicationWadlResource extends RestResource {
> private static SortedMap<ResourceSecurity.Level, Response>
> wadlByLevel;
> /**
> * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml
> * @response.representation.200.doc The "application.wadl"
> describing the services you can access.
> * @response.representation.503.doc If the resource is
> unavailable.
> * @return
> * @throws Exception
> */
> @ResourceSecurity(level = Level.L1_PUBLIC)
> @GET
> @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)
> public Response responseWadl() throws Exception {
> SecurityContext sc = (SecurityContext)
> servletRequest.getAttribute(SecurityContext.ATTRIBUTE);
> //get the wadl corresponding to the accreditation level
> return wadlByLevel.get(sc.getAccreditation());
> }
> public static void
> setWadlByLevel(SortedMap<ResourceSecurity.Level, Response>
> wadlByLevel) {
> ApplicationWadlResource.wadlByLevel = wadlByLevel;
> }
> The map would be filled by a filter at server start.
> The problems we are facing is filling the wadlByLevel map, we tried
> with new WadlBuilder().generate( . ); That needs a set of
> "AbstractResources" which are a bit difficult to use for our needs.
> What would be the better approach?
> Thank you for your help.
> Patrick Sauts.

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