On May 19, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Morten wrote:
> --- Den ons 19/5/10 skrev Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>:>
>> I used String and Integer types as an example, the solution
>> is general. Just make sure the type of the parameter in the
>> setter method is the same is the type of the property value
>> for the corresponding property name.
> Hmm. When I had a look at the api last week I did notice that the
> prop method only accepts strings as argument.
Grrr... oh crap you are right. I was not looking at the method
signature but the implementation code that supports this.
This should be easy to fix by changing the signature to:
public WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder prop( String
propName, Object propValue ) {
I will do that tomorrow.