filter application.wadl

From: Patrick Sauts <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 11:06:15 +0200



We are using Jersey with some security (OAuth + accreditation

We would like to display in the "application.wadl" only the resources
that are allowed for a member. And we are facing some difficulties doing
that, what would be the better approach to do it?

We also use the extended Wadl.

We try to use "application.wadl" display as a service:

So we would like to obtain something like that



public class ApplicationWadlResource extends RestResource {


      private static SortedMap<ResourceSecurity.Level, Response>




      * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml

      * @response.representation.200.doc The "application.wadl"
describing the services you can access.

      * @response.representation.503.doc If the resource is unavailable.

      * @return

      * @throws Exception


      @ResourceSecurity(level = Level.L1_PUBLIC)



      public Response responseWadl() throws Exception {

            SecurityContext sc = (SecurityContext)

//get the wadl corresponding to the accreditation level

            return wadlByLevel.get(sc.getAccreditation());


      public static void
setWadlByLevel(SortedMap<ResourceSecurity.Level, Response> wadlByLevel)

            ApplicationWadlResource.wadlByLevel = wadlByLevel;


The map would be filled by a filter at server start.

The problems we are facing is filling the wadlByLevel map, we tried

new WadlBuilder().generate( ... );

That needs a set of "AbstractResources" which are a bit difficult to use
for our needs.


What would be the better approach?


Thank you for your help.


Patrick Sauts.