"Starting Grizzly Framework" on every builder.get() invokation

From: Martin Scholl <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 11:45:46 +0200


I've would like to have a little hint to understand, what is going on when accessing a REST resource using the Jersey Client API and Grizzly Container:

Every time I invoke WebResource.Builder.get(MyClass.class) I see the message

May 17, 2010 11:34:16 AM com.sun.grizzly.Controller logVersion
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-i - Mon May 17 11:34:16 CEST 2010

which seems to me that Grizzly is initialised every time I invoke the method which would be pretty inefficient.

Is this a fact or did I just misconfigure Jersey or Grizzly or both or where did I do sth wrong? Is anyone familiar with this "issue"?

Thanks for your help.

