Re: [Jersey] Base URI at application startup time

From: Moises Lejter <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 13:14:46 -0500

I guess it depends on how much of the base URI you need...
You could use the new Registration API in servlets 3.0 to look up the servlet/filter registration for the Jersey dispatcher in a context listener, then look up the servlet mapping for that servlet/filter...
I don't know of a way to get the host/port/context prefix to that, though.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Daniel Mischler wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm developing an application that needs to configure some lengthy things at startup time. In order to do that it would be helpful to get the base uri.
> What is the (best) way to get that accomplished? I figure that working with UriInfo does not work since I don't have a request coming in, correct?
> BTW im working with Jersey and EJB 3 on Glassfish.
> Thanks for your help
> Daniel
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