On Apr 30, 2010, at 5:41 PM, James Strachan wrote:
> On 30 April 2010 16:36, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> You beat me to it :-)
>> I think we may be able to refine things as i got the following to
>> work:
>> @Path("unbound/perrequest")
>> public static class InjectedPerRequestResource {
>> @Context UriInfo ui;
>> String x;
>> @Inject
>> GuiceManagedClass gmc;
>> public InjectedPerRequestResource(@QueryParam("x") String x) {
>> this.x = x;
>> }
>> @GET
>> @Produces("text/plain")
>> public String getIt() {
>> assertEquals("unbound/perrequest", ui.getPath());
>> assertEquals("x", x);
>> return gmc.toString();
>> }
>> }
>> Thus we can also support the case when Jersey instantiates and
>> Guice injects
>> too i.e. when there are constructors with no @Inject with @Injected
>> fields/methods.
> Great!
Note that when you use GuiceManagedComponentProvider there is no need
to call the injectMembers because Guice is already instantiating. So i
have a question about that. The updated code does the following:
} else if (isGuiceFieldOrMethodInjected(clazz)) {
// If there is a constructor with arguments then let
// instantiate and manage the scope, let Guice inject
if (hasConstructorWithArguments(clazz)) {
LOGGER.info("Binding " + clazz.getName() + " to
return new
} else {
// TODO should Jersey manage or Guice manage,
perhaps it
// depends if the component is not in the Guice
ComponentScope componentScope =
getComponentScope(key, injector);
LOGGER.info("Binding " + clazz.getName() +
" to GuiceManagedComponentProvider with
the scope \"" +
componentScope + "\"");
return new
GuiceManagedComponentProvider(injector, componentScope, clazz);
} else {
The current logic will check if there is a constructor with args, if
so we let Jersey instantiate and Guice inject. Otherwise there is no
constructor or a no-arg constructor. In this case we are currently
letting guice instantiate. But i wonder if for the case of Guice
NO_SCOPE Jersey should instantiate? i.e. it may be likely in this case
that Jersey-based scope annotations are used. I think given the other
cases Jersey is managing it may make sense to be consistent.
>> I will merge things.
> Great stuff, thanks! :)
> --
> James
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