Re: [Jersey] Filter not executing when running a JerseyTest

From: Pavel Bucek <Pavel.Bucek_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:43:23 +0200

Hello Steve,

unfortunately, you can't currently register servlet and filter class
concurrently with jersey test framework (setting one will erase the other).

What you can do is deploy your application on (for example) embedded
glassfish and run your tests against it using support for external
container. Command for executing tests will look like:

jersey version 1.2+:

mvn test

jersey version

mvn test


schong wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m having difficulties trying to execute a Filter using the Jersey Test
> Framework.
> We’ve got a Maven Project called Customer Registration. This has two
> modules. A REST module (produces a JAR) and a Web module (produces WAR) .
> The Web module has a dependency on the REST JAR.
> In the Web module we’ve got a Filter that is mapped to the Jersey Servlet
> (in the web.xml) so that any requests have to the Filter first.
> What I am trying to do is to run tests using a JerseyTest class against the
> Web module running on a GrizzlyWebServer. The theory is that any requests to
> our REST service will go to the Filter.
> My problem is that the GrizzlyWebServer starts up fine and the tests run
> against it but the Filter is not executed.
> I ran separate JUnit tests (Apache HttpClient) against a Jetty instance with
> the same web module (using mvn jetty:run from the command line). The Filter
> is executed fine.
> I’d really like to have the tests running as part of my JerseyTest so that
> we can run the tests as part of our build process.
> Does anyone have any pointers or suggestions?
> Thanks, Steve.