Java EE 6 deployment questions

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 07:41:56 -0400

Hello; thank you in advance for bearing with me on all these
questions. I appreciate the support and timely responses of this
mailing list.

I am somewhat unclear as to the rules I must play by when deploying my
JAX-RS based application.

As I understand it, if I'm deploying to a Java EE 6 servlet container,
I wouldn't need a web.xml file at all, nor any servlet annotations, on
any class inside my war file. This fills me with a faint sense of
dread :-).

Is it true, then, that I would be both JAX-RS and Java EE 6 compliant
if my war file looked like this:


...? And would it also be true and specification-compliant if I
dropped that war file into a Java EE 6 container, with no further
configuration or changes, that it would be deployed correctly? Is
that a valid JAX-RS-in-Java-EE-6 deployment unit?

How about this instead:


...? Note: no .war file, no Application class. I would expect this
to fail--that is, I would expect that the intersection of the Java EE
6 specification and the JAX RS specification would cause this to fail.

Here's a hybrid:


I'd actually expect this to work; it would appear that the .war file
is actually needed by the specifications only to establish a context
root. Everything else in a Java EE 6 environment can be inferred from
classpath scanning, which includes not just the war file, but
apparently the ear/lib directory as well.

Again, I'm looking for spec compliance, not so much whether this setup
happens to work on Glassfish or JBoss.
