Hi Chris,
You can modify your context resolver to be ContextResolver<Marshaller>
And then use the following methods:
In your context resolver you can inject UriInfo and thus obtain the
query parameter when the request is in scope.
On Apr 1, 2010, at 3:03 AM, Chris Carrier wrote:
> Hey folks,
> A little while ago I toiled to find a way to deal with dates being
> represented as Java timestamps. I finally discovered the ability to
> use package level annotations to define custom JAXB adapters based on
> type that I could use to format Dates however I wanted. Well now I
> have a new requirement to return Date representations based on a
> parameter in the get request. Like a parameter might be passed into
> GET calls like
> ...?humanReadableDates=true
> And then I return GMT dates or whatever. Otherwise I return
> timestamps. So I would love to be able to just use my central
> XmlJavaTypeAdapter so that I can apply this easily to any pojo's I
> want but the annotation syntax:
> @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = DateAdapter.class, type = Date.class)
> Suggests that JAXB will instantiate a new DateAdapter whenever it
> needs one and I have no idea how to get a handle on that instance to
> do anything with it based on request parameters.
> So basically I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a good
> way to do this. If there's some trick to get a handle on an
> XmlJavaTypeAdapter that would work. I could just put some logic in my
> domain classes so that i can set some Date format instance variable in
> them to affect the way they represent Dates but that really seems
> pretty crappy. I would much prefer to keep my marshalling config
> stuff centralized and out of my pojo's. I've got a Provider that
> 'implements ContextResolver<JAXBContext>' but I see no way to
> configure my Date format from here.
> If I was using plain Jackson I could do
> 'mapper.getSerializationConfig().setDateFormat(FORMAT)' but at this
> point we've gone done the road of using JAXB and it would be a bit of
> a pain to switch.
> Suggestions very welcome.
> Thanks!
> Chris
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