Appeal to jersey developers for better+reliable javax.inject/cdi/weld support

From: Morten <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 00:24:22 +0000 (GMT)

I am very happy about Hersey which is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to webservices support for java + the support in this group is great too. However, the current situation regarding support for javax.inject/CDI/weld inside/outside webcontainers is quite painfull. Some combinations work, some don't and in most cases, requires quite some detective work and experimentation since the documentation is not so good. All in all, I think I have spend maybe 50% of the time working with jersey on integration with with javax.inject/CDI. Sometimes as standalone SE applications, sometimes in Glassfish 3 both with my own old javax.inject implementation and latest also with weld. At latest, I failed to get jersey to work with weld CDI SE and is not trying to get it to work with a non-trivial app inside glassfish V3 and I am also getting problems there. Hence, I would very much appreciate it if jersey integration with javax.inject/CDI/weld and testing+documentation of the same would receive a higher focus (so we can be sure that all the nice new java standards work well together). Also, I would be very happy to see the old jersey-specific inject annotations go completely away in favor of the standard javax.inject.Inject annotation which I much prefer to use!! Thanks for reading this, Cheers, Morten