Re: [Jersey] Resource Filter Factory injectables

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:40:00 +0200

On Apr 13, 2010, at 9:01 PM, John Lister wrote:

> Hi Paul, thanks for your pointers, I seem to have solved it...
> Firstly, I was trying to increase the logging level and was failing
> miserably, so download the source code (should have done this ages
> ago) and ended up stepping through the creation of my objects.

If you did not get by default any JCDI related output for classes it
means it was not enabled for those classes.

In your logs you should see stuff like:

INFO: Adapting InjectionTarget for
in the scope interface javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped
INFO: Binding the JCDI managed class
in the scope javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped to
JCDIComponentProviderFactory in the scope PerRequest

> A few things are going on.
> Firstly I seemed to have been using the wrong ManagedBean annotation
> javax.faces.jsf instead of javax.annotation - I'm sure I had tried
> the latter originally with no luck hence the switch.

Ug! i agree that is confusing.

> Also did 1.1.5 change anything as I recently updated the jersey libs
> on my glassfish box.

AFAIK there are no regressions related to this area between
and 1.1.5. We did fix an issue in 1.1.5:

> Secondly if I include the constructor, then using @ManagedBean cause
> an error on deployment because cdi can't find a default constructor.


> Using @ApplicationScope doesn't generate an error but doesn't inject
> anything.

Weld should log a warning. The bean is not getting instantiated by CDI
but by Jersey. The issue is you have not annotated the constructor
with @Inject and if you do you should get a deployment error. For
example, i get the following:

SEVERE: Exception while loading the app
org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: Injection point
has unstatisfied dependencies. Injection point: parameter 0 of
constructor public
Qualifiers: [@javax.enterprise.inject.Default()]


public class Foo {

     public Foo(@Context UriInfo ui) {


> Finally, removing the constructor and using either annotation does
> indeed work as expected - Again thought I had tried this combination
> before...
> Either way thanks for your pointers

I forgot to point out there is a sample that exercises a number of
areas of this functionality:
