So I'm getting close. The best I've managed do far is:
URI personResource =
.path(PersonEndpoint.class, "retrieve")
It's not pretty but it returns:
Which is basically what I want but the host is all escaped and i can't
figure out how to tell it to return it not escaped. Anyone know if
I'm on the right path here?
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Chris Carrier <> wrote:
> Thanks for the input that's definitely on the right path. Though it
> doesn't quite seem to be generating the path's i'm after. I tried
> something like:
> @GET
> @Path("/{key}")
> public Response retrieve(@PathParam("key") Long key, @Context
> UriInfo uriInfo) throws HttpInternalErrorException,
> HttpNotFoundException {
> Response result = super.retrieve(key);
> PersonAddressMapping personAddressMapping =
> (PersonAddressMapping)result.getEntity();
> URI personResource =
> uriInfo.getRequestUriBuilder().path(PersonEndpoint.class,
> "retrieve").build(personAddressMapping.getPersonId());
> URI addressResource =
> uriInfo.getRequestUriBuilder().path(AddressEndpoint.class,
> "retrieve").build(personAddressMapping.getAddressId());
> personAddressMapping.setPersonResource(personResource);
> personAddressMapping.setAddressResource(addressResource);
> return result;
> }
> But the URL's are relative to my mapping Path so they're like:
> Where 123 is the personAddressMapping key and 456 is the person key.
> I've tried getting the URI builder via getRequestUriBuilder,
> getAbsolutePathBuilder, and getBaseUriBuilder but none of them
> generate a URL like:
> Am I getting the UriBuilder in the wrong way?
> Thanks!
> Chris
> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Moises Lejter <> wrote:
>> I think you want to use a UriBuilder.
>> The example I have looks like this:
>> private String buildRef(Airport a, UriBuilder ub) {
>> URI result = ub.path(AirportRM.class,"getByCode").build(a.getCode());
>> return result.toString();
>> }
>> where "AirportRM" is a resource class, and "getByCode" is one of the
>> methods in it. The URI will be built based on the URI template
>> detemined by the @Path annotations for AirportRM and its method
>> getByCode(), with the param expected replaced by the parameter to
>> build().
>> Moises