how to received indexed parameter using _at_FormParam

From: Rahul Joshi <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 10:47:15 +0530

Hi All,

I am trying to parse indexed request parameter sent in post request.
This is the html which I am using to make the request:
<form action="rest/resource method="POST">
<label >Address 1</label><input name="*address*[]" />
<label >Address 2</label><input name="*address*[]" />
<label >Address 3</label><input name="*address*[]" />

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

at the server side here are different combination that I tried (none of
this works):
     public Address setAddress(*_at_FormParam("address") String[] address* ) {

     public Address setAddress(*_at_FormParam("address[]") **String[]**
address* ) {

     public Address setAddress(*_at_FormParam("**address**") List<String>
address* ) {

     public Address setAddress(*_at_FormParam("**address[]**") List<String>
address* ) {

 From FormParam's documentation:
"The type |T| of the annotated parameter must either:

   1. Be a primitive type
   2. Have a constructor that accepts a single |String| argument
   3. Have a static method named |valueOf| that accepts a single
      |String| argument (see, for example, |Integer.valueOf(String)|)
   4. Be |List<T>|, |Set<T>| or |SortedSet<T>|, where |T| satisfies 2 or
      3 above. The resulting collection is read-only."

Using List<String> satisfies the condition 4 mentioned above but it
doesn't work.

Can anybody suggest how to retrieve the indexed parameter without using
