On Mar 22, 2010, at 12:41 PM, emile wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a method in my resource which is responsible for providing
> the file
> content. Using the following code i was able to get the content on my
> browser -
> return Response.ok(file,"text/plain").header("Content-Type",
> "application/pdf").build();
The above should be:
return Response.ok(file,"application/pdf").build();
the header method call is redundant as the second parameter of the ok
method sets the content-type header.
You can verify what Jersey sends by logging the response:
> But I'm unsure how to get the file content in its corresponding
> application.
> For e.g. pdf file content should be displayed using the Acrobat
> reader.
That might also depend on how tour browser is set up to process
content of application/pdf.
I presume most browsers are set up to support this out of the box.