Error using Spring Bean in Jersey resource class - Plz Help!!

From: Jay_K <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 07:47:53 -0800 (PST)

I am trying to use an existing Spring Bean (which connects to my database)
in Jersey Resource class. But I am getting NullPointerException when trying
to call the method of this bean in my Resource class method. Below is the
code snapshot.

public class PortalResource {

        private PersonService personservice;

        public void setPersonservice(PersonService personservice) {
                this.personservice = personservice;

        public String getLeaveDetails(@QueryParam("portalId") String portalId) {
                String portalParam = null;
                String personId = null;
                portalParam = portalId;
                if(portalParam != null) {
                        // personservice is a Spring bean which inturn access database to fetch
personId from portalId
                        personId = personservice.getPersonId(portalId);
                return personId;

My Web.xml has below config

                <description>Jersey Servlet</description>

The Spring ApplicationContext XML file has below bean definition for
injecting spring bean into Jersey resource
        <bean id="portalservice" class="org.unjspf.eleave.service.PortalResource">
                <property name="personservice"><ref bean="personservice" /></property>

After starting my Websphere server below is the console log.

[3/19/10 11:42:42:086 EDT] 0000000b PackagesResou I Scanning for root
resource and provider classes in the packages:
[3/19/10 11:42:42:149 EDT] 0000000b ScanningResou I Root resource classes
  class org.unjspf.eleave.service.PortalResource
[3/19/10 11:42:42:149 EDT] 0000000b ScanningResou I No provider classes
[3/19/10 11:42:42:461 EDT] 0000000b WebApplicatio I Initiating Jersey
application, version 'Jersey: 1.1.5 01/20/2010 03:55 PM'
[3/19/10 11:42:43:571 EDT] 0000000b servlet I init SRVE0242I:
[ELeaveEARProject] [/OnTime] [JerseyServlet]: Initialization successful.

On accessing the Jersey Resource class using below URL I get the following

[3/19/10 11:45:40:179 EDT] 0000001a ContainerResp E The RuntimeException
could not be mapped to a response, re-throwing to the HTTP container

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