no error message displayed on json deserialization failure during POST

From: Shankar K <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:18:31 +0530

if there is a problem during de-serialization of JSON body(POST) the
resulting ERROR isn't logged. I have pasted below the method which accepts
the POST request. I'm using a Flex Client which has been throwing infamous
Error #2032: Stream whenever I POST and my server never had any error
message logged indicating the problem. After going in different directions
to solve it (mostly in the flex side) realized that it was due to issues
during deserialization ( throws mapping exception when i explicitly get the
body POSTed as String and then use mapper.readValue).

Am i missing something to see these logs? Btw, I get other ERROR logs from
jersey such as this -- 16:07:21,304 ERROR [STDERR] Mar 17, 2010 4:07:21 PM
com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl initiate

    public String postUser(User body) throws Exception{

        return body.getGivenName();


I'm using Jersey 1.1.4 with jsersey 1.1.5 and jackson 1.4.3.

Appreciate your response!!