Hello Paul and all:
After some months I'm back to the list, as our work with REST and
Jersey is evolving. As I said earlier in this list I used Jersey until
now based on some "bits and pieces" and not the full stack, mostly
because since the beginning (around two years ago) we needed support
for a multi protocol architecture and at that time Jersey only
supported HTTP.
However is of our interest to try to keep up with Jersey as it
evolves, and since we are thinking in doing some changes to our
connectors (FTP, JMS, IMAP and HTTP) we would like to "compatibilize"
then with the current status of Jersey.
So Paul (I assume it's you who knows about this), would you care to
point me to the current status of your implementation, following the
lines of [1]?
My boss told me something about 1.1.5 support for this by using
ContainerProvider / Container classes, but I would like to go back to
what we discuss on that thread...
Specially, is all the work of resource discovery, content-negociation,
url-parsing and those things that are protocol agnostic now decoupled
from the HTTP stuff, like the WebApplication or the Jersey
ServletContainer and so?
Thanks a million.
Melhores cumprimentos / Beir beannacht / Best regards
António Manuel dos Santos Mota