Re: [Jersey] Including Folder path as a URI variable

From: Pavel Bucek <Pavel.Bucek_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:29:29 +0100


you need to declare your method as

public void getFolderbyPath(@PathParam("folderpath") String folderPath) {

and folderpath should be available through "folderPath" parameter.

Notice {folderpath:.*}. Jersey by default consider "/" as end of
parameter so you have to explicitly say you are accepting everything
after first "/".


emile wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using a method as follows -
> @GET
> @Path("/{folderpath}")
> public void getFolderbyPath
> {
> //..
> }
> I'm not sure how we can incorporate a folder path into the variable; for
> e.g. for a value like '/Temp/bin', i get a requested resource not available.
> Thanks in Advance,
> emile