Re: [Jersey] Parsing unix timestamp in JSON

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:28:02 +0100

On Jan 28, 2010, at 6:18 PM, Chris Carrier wrote:

> Actually I had configured Jeresy to just use the Jackson provider
> (org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider) because JAXB
> was behaving even stranger with my date format. Thanks for pointing
> out the link though I'll give that a shot.


> But out of curiousity if I'm using Jackson directly why wouldn't it
> be able to handle a Unix timestamp like I have below? I thought
> that was it's default behavior.

Not necessarily for "human-readable" serialization formats. HTTP also
uses a human readable textual format, not sure why. However, i think
for JSON a unix timestamp can make a lot of sense (which i have used

> The strange thing is if I take the quotation marks off of the
> timestamp value it works fine. But with the quotes it thinks it's a
> String and not a long and tries to parse it as such.

I am guessing Jackson uses some default formating for Java date type
you are using (which is?) that you need to override in some way. I
suggest you ask on the Jackson list.

Also see here:


> Thanks!
> Chris
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Paul Sandoz <>
> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I presume you are using JAXB with fields or bean properties of the
> Date type?
> If so you need to override the default JAXB support for marshaling
> and unmarshaling date. The following link will help:
> Search for the string "DateAdapter".
> Paul.
> On Jan 27, 2010, at 7:44 PM, Chris Carrier wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Sorry for anyone who gets this twice. I accidentally sent it to the
> dev list when i meant the user list. Anyway...
> I'm trying to integrate Jersey into a fairly simple POST method. At
> this moment I'm just trying to get the JSON request body properly
> marshalled into the object. My current problem revolves around
> parsing timestamps. So my request looks something like:
> {
> "version": "1.0",
> "size": 1,
> "links": [{
> "key": "abcdef",
> "createdDate": "1264616643",
> "updatedDate": "1264616643",
> }
> ]}
> Where createdDate and updatedDate are formatted as Unix timestamps.
> This is the default behavior of the Jackson JSON parser but when i
> try this with Jersey the date is completely marfled. For instance
> the above dates are parsed into a date that looks like "Sun Jun 28
> 19:08:16 PDT 95508544" which is a completely nonsense date. So how
> can I configure this behavior? I can;t find any mention of people
> having this problem which is surprising. Right now I can't even
> find a way to access the parsers to configure them. I have a
> JAXBContextResolver but all i can seem to configure there is the
> JSON format on a document level. Nothing as specific as date
> format. Any advice?
> Thanks!
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