Re: [Jersey] Question to correct URI-mapping behaviour

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 18:49:15 +0100

What version of Jersey are you using?

The @Path("abc/{var}.xml") should take precedence over @Path("abc/
{var}") because there are more literal characters in the former.

There was a bug that was fixed in 1.0.2 that could result in such


On Jan 27, 2010, at 5:58 PM, Daniel Bimschas wrote:

> I just tested further and I didn't write the @Produces tags to the
> methods below saying that getAbc() produces text/html and
> getAbcAsXML() produces application/xml.
> After trying the request with curl to be sure that no request
> headers ask for text/html I could find out that the CXF
> implementation delivers XML content, therefore doing the correct
> mapping.
> Watching debug output of CXF i saw that the browser produces the
> following request header:
> Accept=[text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/
> *;q=0.8]
> I don't know the specification for the interpretation of these
> headers but it seems Jersey and CXF do different here and one of the
> implementation favours the request headers more than the path mapping.
> Am 27.01.2010 um 17:39 schrieb Marc Hadley:
>> On Jan 27, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Daniel Bimschas wrote:
>>> I have a question regarding the correct mapping of URIs to JAX-RS
>>> methods. We have an implementation class that provides two methods
>>> as follows:
>>> @GET
>>> @Path("abc/{var}")
>>> public Response getAbc(@PathParam("var") var) { ... }
>>> @GET
>>> @Path("abc/{var}.xml")
>>> public Response getAbcAsXML(@PathParam("var") var) { ... }
>>> The JAX-RS specification says in 3.7.2 Request Matching under "3.
>>> Identify the method that will handle the request":
>>> "(c) The request is dispatched to the first Java method in the
>>> set5."
>>> While a set has no order this seems to be implementation dependent
>>> and/or "non-deterministic". Is this correct?
>>> As I suppose both methods are valid candidates for the set
>>> mentioned in the spec I wonder which method should be chosen. The
>>> problem (which is why I ask) is that Jersey choses getAbc(...)
>>> while the Apache CXF implementation choses getAbcAsXML(...)
>>> obviously interpreting the "something.xml" in the URI as the value
>>> for the path parameter. Is there a way to tell which behaviour is
>>> correct? Has one of the implementations a bug?
>> I would expect both implementations to use getAbcAsXML since step 2.
>> (h) only includes methods with the best matching URI template. I
>> think this may be a bug in Jersey.
>> Marc.
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> Daniel Bimschas
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> 23552 Lübeck
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