Re: [Jersey] Jersey JSON unmarshalling of array elements.

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:31:21 +0100


It would be helpful to see the source code for your JAXB beans and web resource classes.

Anyway, based on your information, i do not see what could be wrong here.
Have you tried the same scenario with the XML representation? Does it work?

Using the following JAXB bean:

public class AllergyRecord {
    public static class AllergyTest {

        public String allergyId;
        public String type;

        public AllergyTest(){};

        public AllergyTest(String allergyId, String type) {
            this.allergyId = allergyId;
            this.type = type;

    public String holderId;
    public List<AllergyTest> tests;

And the allergy web resource:

public class AllergyResource {

    @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public AllergyRecord getAlergy() {

        AllergyRecord result = new AllergyRecord();

        result.holderId = "6666";
        result.tests = new LinkedList<AllergyRecord.AllergyTest>();
        result.tests.add(new AllergyTest("1111", "firstOne"));
        result.tests.add(new AllergyTest("2222", "secondOne"));

        return result;

    @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public AllergyRecord postAlergy(AllergyRecord rec) {

        rec.holderId = "6667";
        rec.tests.get(0).allergyId = "1112";
        rec.tests.get(1).allergyId = "2223";

        return rec;

The following test is passing for me:

        ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig();
        Client c = Client.create(cc);
        WebResource r = c.resource(Main.BASE_URI);

       AllergyRecord rec = r.path("allergy")

       AllergyRecord recFromPost = r.path("allergy")

        assertEquals("Allergy rec returned with wrong allergy test #1",
                "1112", recFromPost.tests.get(0).allergyId);

Does the above work for you in the Geronimo environment?


On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:21:01AM -0600, EWILLIAMS_at_CERNER.COM wrote:
> Hopefully, you can point me to the right people if you do not handle JSON questions.
> I'm fairly new to Jersey, and have been producing/consuming xml for the most part.
> I am using: jersey-json, jersey-server and jaxb-impl 2.1.12.
> I am using all defaults (no JSON provider, mapped
> The issue:
> The JSON I produce from a very simple test @GET does not get correctly unmarshalled when I pass it in to my @POST.
> Specifically, the root object is created
> Here is the JSON:
> {
> "holderId" : "6666",
> "tests" : [
> {
> "allergyId" : "1111",
> "type" : "firstOne"
> },
> {
> "allergyId" : "2222",
> "type" : "secondOne"
> }
> ]
> }
> So there is an outer (JAXB-generated) class called TestArrayHolder which is created, but no properties are populated!
> The marshalling seems to work like a charm, but I can get anything to unmarshall...
> One last note that could be related: I run on Geronimo, so I had to add the hidden classes to get the JSON marshalling to pick up my project's xml/binding jars.
> <sys:hidden-classes>
> <filter>com.sun.xml</filter>
> <filter>javax.xml.bind</filter>
> </sys:hidden-classes>
> I'm not sure what else to try from here. Can you help?
> Thank you,
> Ed
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