Hi, Im using Jersey together with JAXB and Lucene.
I have a JAXB class which I marshall to a JSON String representation
and store in a lucene index, together with some search fields. Then when
a user gets a match I unmarshall the JSON back to the original class and
not all fields are populated. If I marshal to XML instead it works fine,
but the amount of space used by an XML field is significantly larger and
the indexing takes longer so I would rather use JSON, Java serialization
is even worse.
So the Json String is
but when unmarshalled back into Artist class, the LifeSpan class is not
completed, i.e artist.getLifeSpan().getBegin() returns null when it
should return "1999-04", fields at the top level (such as name,sort-name
are okay)
Is this a bug/limitation in Json or am I doing something wrong
thanks Paul