Re: [Jersey] fastinfoset and gzip

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:22:06 -0800

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:54 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2010, at 9:38 PM, Tatu Saloranta wrote:
>> I have a related question: would it be easy to add support for
>> alternate compression codecs?
>> Results I have seen with LZF (used by H2 DB, added to Voldemort) are
>> very encouraging,
> Any pointers to results?

Unfortunately I have not had time to clean things up. After creating
simple codec for Voldemort, I was hoping to create solid Japex-based
test to get reproducible numbers. So far I only have pile of
micro-benchmarks, comparing gzip and lzf. Problem is just not having
(had) time to do it yet.
So it is still on my backlog. I will send an update here if and when I
get there.

For what it's worth my observation was that whereas gzip can add 2-3x
overhead (more so for writing), lzf can actually have overhead more in
line with data binding (as in +50%), and it is especially more
efficient for writing.
Compression rate is lower (it does not do huffman-coding part), more
prominently so for most compressible contents (instead of getting,
say, 93% compression for very repetitive fluffy xml, you'd get 84% or

> See the code for the GZIP filters.
> Server:
> Client:
> The above filters use Accept-Content-Encoding and Content-Encoding and key
> off the "gzip" value. So you could use, or define, something similar for
> LZF.

Thank you, that is good pointer. I was hoping it would be that easy.

-+ Tatu +-