Sorry if I am mistaken, but I wonder why there isn't a built-in annotation
for injecting session attributes in Jersey? I know you can inject
HttpServletRequest and access session attributes using it, but that is a lot
of typing.
Writing a @SessionAttribute annotation is achievable by just implementing
three classes...
@Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface SessionAttribute {
String value();
public class SessionParamProvider implements
InjectableProvider<SessionAttribute, Type> {
public ComponentScope getScope() {
return ComponentScope.PerRequest;
HttpServletRequest requestProxy;
public Injectable<Object> getInjectable(ComponentContext ic,
SessionAttribute a, Type type) {
return new SessionAttributeInjectable(a.value(), requestProxy);
public class SessionAttributeInjectable implements Injectable<Object> {
String attributeName;
public SessionAttributeInjectable(String attributeName,
HttpServletRequest requestProxy) {
this.attributeName = attributeName;
this.request = requestProxy;
HttpServletRequest request;
public Object getValue() {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
return session.getAttribute(attributeName);