Hi Felipe,
Thanks for the feedback. See inline ...
> Santiago is focusing on WADL, a controversial approach since the REST
> community reject the need of any external contract for REST style
> architecure.
As Paul has said, WADL is just an option. If you read the goals, you'll see that we want to support the non-WADL cases. But there are tradeoffs.
> I know that even the smart guys over there become a bit
> religious sometimes, but I would vote to focus on the annotations
> instead of WADL based HATEOAS...
> more precisely I would like to see the next states
> (@ContextualActionSet) extracted automatically instead of manually
> coded.. (or customizable)....
This is intrinsic to the application logic. I don't see how it could be done automatically by the runtime system. Care to elaborate?
> It is very nice to see Jersey moving toward a 100% REST ready
> framework.. but hypermedia is still a sharp thing...
> let's see...
> in few days I will present Jresey at Jfokus, speaking briefly about
> REST as well.. I hope to hit the best target over there.. and bring
> back in the luggage a set of new ideas :)
Great, please share your ideas :) BTW, the wikis are bit out of date compared to the implementation. I'll update them in the next few days.
-- Santiago
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 13, 2010, at 12:15 PM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:
>>> I was reading:
>>> http://wikis.sun.com/display/Jersey/Hypermedia+Examples
>>> is it true ?
>> True as true is :-)
>>> or just another experiment ?
>> Santiago is writing a prototype to validate his ideas written on the wiki.
>> See:
>> branches/hypermedia-extensions
>> branches/hypermedia-extensions/jersey/samples/hypermedia
>>> that annotations will become part of Jersey (JAX-RS) oficially ?
>> The prototype implementation will become part of the Jersey trunk and used
>> as input to any new JAX-RS 2.0 effort.
>> Paul.
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> --
> ------------------------------------------
> Felipe Gaścho
> 10+ Java Programmer
> CEJUG Senior Advisor
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