Re: [Jersey] Integrating Jersey and Spring

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:36:57 +0000

On Jan 20, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Fernando Soares wrote:

> I'am using jersey-spring with springsource-3.0.0-RELEASE
> without any problem so far.

Wow! thanks for sharing. I was expecting some backwards compatibility
issues given it is a major release.


> On 01/20/2010 12:51 AM, Ronak Patel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On a similar note,
>> I was wondering if JAX-RS Jersey is updated to use Spring Framework
>> 3.0 now. If not, any clue as to when that support will be available?
>> Thanks!
>> Ronak Patel
>> From: Brad Lee <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 12:28:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Jersey] Integrating Jersey and Spring
>> Hi Mahesh. Sorry I am late to reply here, this email never
>> responded directly to me. Anyway, on this email you will find the
>> JerseySpringController that very simply forwards Spring requests to
>> Jersey.
>> I don't have any examples of interceptors extending
>> ContainerFilters and Jersey Resource filters, but I don't honestly
>> think that it would be that hard to implement. If I ever have a
>> need for one, then I will post back when I write it.
>> Right now, I'm not bothering with annotations, although I would
>> imagine you could configure it using annotations. The properties
>> file above is what I use to inject the Properties instance variable
>> on the JerseController class.
>> Also, since Struts2 is YASF(yet another servlet framework), I would
>> think it very easy to forward requests it receives into Jersey.
>> package org.springframework.web.servlet.jersey;
>> import java.util.Enumeration;
>> import java.util.Map;
>> import java.util.Properties;
>> import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
>> import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
>> import javax.servlet.ServletException;
>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
>> import org.slf4j.Logger;
>> import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
>> import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
>> import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
>> import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
>> import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
>> import org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware;
>> import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
>> import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller;
>> import com.sun.jersey.api.core.DefaultResourceConfig;
>> import com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfig;
>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.WebApplication;
>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer;
>> import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebConfig;
>> import
>> com.sun.jersey.spi.spring.container.SpringComponentProviderFactory;
>> public class JerseyController
>> extends ServletContainer
>> implements Controller, ServletContextAware, InitializingBean,
>> ApplicationContextAware {
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> // Private Static Variables
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> private static final Logger logger =
>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(JerseyController.class);
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> // SpringServlet methods are private instead of protected,
>> // so I have to redo their servlet extension of
>> ServletContainer...
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> @Override
>> protected void initiate(ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
>> try {
>> wa.initiate(rc, new SpringComponentProviderFactory(rc,
>> getContext()));
>> } catch (RuntimeException e) {
>> logger.error("Exception occurred during initializing
>> "+SpringComponentProviderFactory.class.getName()+"!", e);
>> throw e;
>> }
>> }
>> protected ConfigurableApplicationContext getContext() {
>> final ConfigurableApplicationContext springContext =
>> (ConfigurableApplicationContext)
>> this.getApplicationContext();
>> return springContext;
>> }
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> // Instance Variables
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> private ServletContext springServletContext;
>> private Properties jerseyConfiguration;
>> private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> // Getters
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> @Override
>> public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
>> springServletContext = servletContext;
>> }
>> public Properties getJerseyConfiguration() {
>> return jerseyConfiguration;
>> }
>> public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
>> return applicationContext;
>> }
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> // Setters
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> public ServletContext getSpringServletContext(){
>> return springServletContext;
>> }
>> @Override
>> public ServletContext getServletContext(){
>> return this.getSpringServletContext();
>> }
>> public void setJerseyConfiguration(Properties
>> jerseyConfiguration) {
>> if( logger.isDebugEnabled() ){
>> StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
>> buffer.append("Setting jersey configuration:\n");
>> for( Object key : jerseyConfiguration.keySet() ){
>> buffer
>> .append
>> ("\t
>> ").append
>> (key).append("=").append(jerseyConfiguration.get(key)).append("\n");
>> }
>> logger.debug(buffer.toString());
>> }
>> this.jerseyConfiguration = jerseyConfiguration;
>> }
>> @Override
>> public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext
>> applicationContext) {
>> this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
>> }
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> // Interfaces
>> //
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =
>> =====================================================================
>> @Override
>> public ModelAndView handleRequest(
>> HttpServletRequest request,
>> HttpServletResponse response
>> ) throws Exception {
>> String uri = request.getRequestURI().substring(
>> request.getContextPath().length(),
>> request.getRequestURI().length());
>>"Handling request {}, by passing it to parent
>> jersey servlet...", uri);
>> try{
>> super.service(request, response);
>> }catch(Throwable t){
>> logger.error("An error occurred processing request:
>> "+uri, t);
>> throw new ServletException("The REST web service had an
>> error. Please report this problem.", t);
>> }
>>"For path {}, returning DoNothingView...", uri);
>> return new ModelAndView("DoNothingView");
>> }
>> @Override
>> public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
>> final String fName = getClass().getName();
>> final Properties fJerseyConfig =
>> this.getJerseyConfiguration();
>>"Initializing Bean {}...", fName);
>> FilterConfig config = new FilterConfig() {
>> @Override
>> public ServletContext getServletContext() {
>> return getSpringServletContext();
>> }
>> @Override
>> public String getFilterName() {
>> return fName;
>> }
>> @Override
>> public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() {
>> return fJerseyConfig.keys();
>> }
>> @Override
>> public String getInitParameter(String paramName) {
>> return fJerseyConfig.getProperty(paramName);
>> }
>> };
>> logger.debug("Initializing Jersey through
>> super.init(FilterConfig)...");
>> super.init(config);
>> }//end afterPropertiesSet()
>> }/* end JerseyIntegrationFilter */
>> Where the injected properties file looks like this:
>> # If true the request URI will be normalized as specified by
>> # {_at_link}. If not true the request URI is not
>> # modified.
>> # The default value is false.
>> com.sun.jersey.config.feature.NormalizeURI=true
>> # If true the request URI path component will be canonicalized by
>> removing
>> # contiguous slashes (i.e. all /+ will be replaced by /). If not
>> true the
>> # request URI path component is mot modified.
>> # The default value is false.
>> com.sun.jersey.config.feature.CanonicalizeURIPath=true
>> # If true, and either NORMALIZE_URI or CANONICALIZE_URI_PATH is true,
>> # and the normalization and/or path canonicalization operations on
>> the
>> # request URI result in a new URI that is not equal to the request
>> URI,
>> # then the client is (temporarily) redirected to the new URI.
>> Otherwise
>> # the request URI is set to be the new URI.
>> # <p>
>> # If true, and the path value of a {_at_link}
>> annotation ends
>> # in a slash, the request URI path does not end in a '/' and would
>> otherwise
>> # match the path value if it did, then the client is (temporarily)
>> # redirected to a new URI that is the request URI with a '/'
>> appended to the
>> # the end of the path.
>> # <p>
>> # The default value is false.
>> com.sun.jersey.config.feature.Redirect=true
>> # If true matrix parameters (if present) in the request URI path
>> component
>> # will be ignored when matching the path to URI templates declared by
>> # resource classes.
>> # <p>
>> # The default value is false.
>> #com.sun.jersey.config.feature.IgnoreMatrixParams=true
>> # If true then the matching algorithm will attempt to match and
>> accept
>> # any static content or templates associated with a resource that
>> were
>> # not explicitly decared by that resource.
>> # <p>
>> # If a template is matched then the model for the viewable will be
>> the
>> # resource instance associated with the template.
>> # <p>
>> # The default value is false.
>> com.sun.jersey.config.feature.ImplicitViewables=true
>> # If true then disable WADL generation.
>> # <p>
>> # By default WADL generation is automatically enabled, if JAXB is
>> # present in the classpath.
>> # <p>
>> # The default value is false.
>> #com.sun.jersey.config.feature.DisableWADL=true
>> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Mahesh Venkat <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Brad,
>> Is it possible to share this working code?
>> Also if you have an example of adding Spring interceptors that
>> extend the Jersey ContainerFilters and Jersey ResourceFilters it
>> will be great!
>> In fact, in Spring 3.0 they are attempting do to take a similar
>> approach to integrate with Jersey.
>> We also have to some thing similar for Struts2 too. The Apache
>> community is attempting to define yet another REST mechanism
>> rather than integrating Jersey with Struts2.
> --
> Fernando Soares
> Director Técnico
> Media Capital Multimédia, S. A.
> T.: +351 21 434 63 99
> M.: +351 91 758 56 70
> F.: +351 21 434 76 53
> Rua Mário Castelhano, 40
> Queluz de Baixo
> 2734-502 Barcarena
> ▪
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