Default values for path params?

From: Comerford, Sean <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 20:44:48 +0000

Query parameters support the @DefaultValue annotation.

Is there any equivalent for PathParams if I want to support leaving one off
and assuming a default?

My use case here is that my resource exposes basketball player season stats,
i.e. /stats/player/season/{playerId},{season}

But I want to be able to allow callers to leave off the season part if they
just want the current season.

I guess my only option is to make season a query param instead of path

Furthermore, and this is probably a dumb question but Iım slow on the
upteake, in terms of proper RESTful design, is there a good rule of thumb on
using a path param vs query param?
Sean Comerford, Software Engineer Site Architecture Group
Office: 860.766.6454    Cell: 860.329.5842