worked !! \o/
Jersey is everyday better.. congratulations Jersey team.. !
the problem was misleading MimeType:
curl -HAccept:application/x-javascript
2009/12/17 Felipe Gaścho <>:
> ----------- the following method is supposed to return wrapped with
> parenthesis, isn't it ?
> @GET
> @Path("jsonp")
> @Produces( { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
> public JSONWithPadding selectAllByRoleP(
> @QueryParam("callback") String callback,
> @QueryParam(EntityFacadeConstants.PARAM_MAX)
> @DefaultValue(EntityFacadeConstants.PARAM_MAX_DEFAULT_VALUE) int max,
> @QueryParam("role") String role,
> @QueryParam("comp") String competition) {
> return new JSONWithPadding(
> new GenericEntity<Collection<PujAdvertisementEntity>>(adsFacade.getAdvertisement(competition,
> role, max)) {}, callback);
> }
> --------- response:
> curl -XGET -H "Accept:application/json"
> [{"url":"","thumbnail":"","version":1},{"url":"","thumbnail":"","version":1},{"url":"","thumbnail":"","version":1},{"url":"","thumbnail":"","version":1}]
> --
> ------------------------------------------
> Felipe Gaścho
> 10+ Java Programmer
> CEJUG Senior Advisor
Felipe Gaścho
10+ Java Programmer
CEJUG Senior Advisor