I have a question about Jersey and final Glassfish V3. This version is using
Jersey: and at logs I can see Jersey related logs such as :
Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 11/24/2009 01:37 AM'|#]
However I want to use latest Snapshot of Jersey with my war application.
However I can not see necessary logs after deployment of my application
about Jersey 1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT.
First of all, I tried to change delegation model in my application like
<property name="delagate" value="false"/>
However this try could be successful. Then I dig little then I found liI am
not sure about this but I found such a comment in glassfish forum:
The webapp classloader ignores the delegate flag for a number of packages,
including any packages starting with javax.* and
org.apache.taglibs.standard.*, and will unconditionally delegate resolution
of any symbols in these packages to the parent classloader.
I know that this is not only related to Jersey. I am not eager to delete any
library from glassfish installation folder.
1 ) What is the best way to use firstly bundled libraries without regarding
their package name and other things.
2 ) What is the motivation behind delegation classloading to container? In
my opinion, classloading should be default false because if a library is
included to an application, it should be loaded firstly... At least I
believe so :)
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Classloader-Issues-tp4163936p4163936.html
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