problem with jsp Viewable not being evaluated

From: gabriele renzi <>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 18:48:47 +0100

Hi everyone,

my problem seem similar to the one described here[1], but there is no
final solution there so I'll try to rehash it, sorry :)

Basically, my absolutely-specified Viewable gets loaded, but it does
not seem to be evaluated as a jsp, it just ends up being rendered

Looking at the Bookstore example I do not see anything configured
specially to use jsp so I think it should be implicit, but, well, it
does not work for me.

My web.xml looks like


                <init-param> <!--unnecessary ATM-->



My resource class looks like

@Produces({ "text/html", "application/xhtml+xml", "application/xml" })
public class IndexManagementServlet {
        public Viewable index() {
              System.out.println("actually called");
                return new Viewable("/count", aMap); //also tried with /count.jsp, no changes

my count.jsp is simply

    # ${it}

My configuration is: jersey 1.0.2 (will upgrade if needed), jetty 7,
jsp-2.1.jar and jsp-api-2.1.jar in the CP,
and I am running my webapp in testing mode via jetty's servlet runner
with code like

                final Server server = new Server(SERVLET_PORT);
                final WebAppContext app = new WebAppContext("webapp", "/");

(which worked for other Jersey apps)

After launch, if I access
I can see the jsp gets loaded, but it does not seem to be evaluated as
such, meaning I can see the literal
  # ${it}
string in output

is there something obvious I'm doing wrong? shall I upgrade jersey maybe ?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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