Re: [Jersey] Rid off the _at_at symbol on JSON responses?

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 12:42:13 -0800

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> BTW i also used Jackson/JAX-RS recently with a bit of Scala as i did not
> want to introduce JAXB annotations:
> I had to do a little "code gymnastics" due do a bug (not in Jackson/JAX-RS)
> and because Jackson does not (yet???) understand Scala types such as List.
> IMHO having Scala-based support for Jackson would be really nice.

Definitely. Some support has been added for various
platform/frameworks (like ignoring of certain groovy-induced bogus
setters/getters). I have only used Scala a little bit at work (a
co-worker is big fan, wrote pile of unit tests in Scala), so I could
use some help in pointing out how to tell Scala lists (and Maps, maybe
general collections) from other objects.
So if you (or anyone else) can help, I would definitely want to add support.

-+ Tatu +-