JBoss 5.1.0 GA + EJB 3.0: RESTful Web Services with Jersey

From: Celinio Fernandes <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 21:09:17 +0100

I am using the Jersey implementation of the RESTful API (JSR -311) in an Enterprise application using JBoss as a server.

I am using EJB 3.0 of course. Not EJB 3.1, which is still not available with JBoss.

I'd like to expose a stateless session bean as a restful web service . Here is the code of its interface :
import javax.ejb.Remote;

public interface blablaRemote {
     String get();
  //public boolean doSomething(String one);


And the code of the bean :
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

public class blablaBean implements blablaRemote {
 public String get() {

        return "HELLO FROM SESSION BEAN";

My EJBs are located in an EJB project which is inside an Enterprise application (EAR file).
How do you call that exposed resftul web service ? I do have a Web project in that Enterprise application.
If using an URL, for a GET resource, what would it be like ?
http://localhost/EARname/something ?
http://localhost/EARname/EJBProjectName/something ?

Thanks for helping.