Re: [Jersey] .xml extension is stripped?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 11:24:07 +0100

Hi Roger,

Are you using the Jersey URI content negotiation feature, where
suffixes are mapped to media types, for example "xml" -> "text/xml" ?

If so Jersey will remove the ".xml" in such cases from the path.


On Dec 8, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Roger Pack wrote:

> I've noticed that with the following "jersey" method
> @PUT
> @Path("/{nodeLocator}/{streamName}")
> public void createStream(
> @PathParam("streamName") String streamName,
> @HeaderParam("Content-Type") String type
> ...
> When I call it with, say "go.jpg" with content-type "image/jpeg"
> the String streamName is set to "go.jpg"
> However, when I call it with "go.xml" with content-type "text/xml"
> the String streamName is set to "go" and the content-type is passed
> through correctly ("text/xml").
> This with a standard jersey interface, using mozilla poster [or the
> jersey client api] as the posting agent.
> Bug?
> Much thanks.
> -r
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