I do it the same way, implementing my own Principal such as to be able
to add custom context (i.e. allow multiple credentials). If I remember
correctly, this was the recommended aproach by Paul - but it would be
interesting if you could somehow inject @User, to match the rest of
Jersey's way of doing things. :)
Zoltan Arnold NAGY wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there's a better way.. I'm currently doing it like this:
> @Path("/d")
> public class DatasResource {
> @Context
> private SecurityContext securityContext;
> @PUT
> @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
> public Response addData(Sample s) {
> User user =
> ((InternalPrincipal)securityContext.getUserPrincipal()).getUser();
> ..
> }
> my own filter sets the appropriate principal (and securitycontext),
> and it's
> always set.
> Thanks,
> Zoltan
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