Re: [Jersey] Webkit issue for revisions after 1.1.3-ea

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:45:15 +0100

Hi Daniel,

Are you using explicit or implicit views?

As the other Daniel ( :-) ) says the @ ImplicitProduces (see the
bookstore sample) might work but it still does not explain why things
previously worked for you.

Have you tried 1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT?

I recently found a regression in 1.1.4.x that i fixed in 1.1.5-ea-
SNAPSHOT. The regression was that if you set any headers and status
code (in a built Response or response filter) they are ignored for JSP
views (the flushing of headers was not occurring before the servlet
forwarding to the JSP).

If 1.1.5-ea-SNAPSHOT does not work then can you send me a simple test
case and i can investigate.


On Nov 28, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Daniel Shaw wrote:

> We're using MVCJ backing some JSPs and on any of the revisions after
> 1.1.3-ea, I'm getting the following error for any Webkit browser
> (Safari and Chrome, in my case tested on Mac): "Resource interpreted
> as document but transferred with MIME type application/xml." In
> every case, Webkit does not even process the page. View source shows
> a blank page. Firefox loads everything without any problems.
> I've been digging through the change logs to try to find what might
> be going on. However, I have yet to come up with a lead. I'm hoping
> someone else has encountered the same issue. Thanks.
> Daniel Shaw
> i:
> c: