Re: [Jersey] Tracing URI matching and method dispatching

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:10:36 +0100


See attached for a quick example of a prototype. I am using the
Bookstore example. Notice that it presents the list of regular
expressions to be matched (in matching order) as well as the JSP file
that was resolved and the message body writer that utilized.

Obviously these messages need to be improved, but hopefully this gets
the point across. I need to work out an appropriate compact but
informative syntax.

It should be easy to also generate HTML responses as well for when
4/5xx errors occur.


On Nov 24, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Hi,
> Many ideas in Jersey/JAX-RS were inspired by Stapler the underlying
> HTTP-based framework utilized by Hudson.
> Here is another potential idea. Stapler has a trace mode:
> Please let me know if you would like such a feature in Jersey.
> I think this is a more promising approach rather than explicit
> logging on the server side, and the of course the response could be
> logged using the LoggingFIlter thus exposing trace headers.
> Paul.
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