Re: [Jersey] URL redirect/Forward in Jersey

From: Anil Kumar Veeramalli <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 17:56:38 +0530

Thanks Paul.

return new Viewable("/success", null); is working for me.

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Nov 25, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> On Nov 25, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Anil Kumar Veeramalli wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to forward/redirect result.jsp page from my code. I am
>>> not able to find correct API.
>>> Please help me out on this.
>>> I tried using HttpResponseContext,HttpServerletContext...
>> If you want to perform an "internal" forward you can return an
>> instance of Viewable:
>> However be careful. If you are using the Jersey ServletContainer as a
>> servlet and declare a url pattern of "/*" it will not work. This is
>> because the Jersey servlet will swallow all requests. In such a case
>> you need to use the Jersey ServletContainer as a servlet filter.
> Clarification: such a restriction as described above is only valid for
> JSPs. If you are using another template technology and a
> TemplateProcessor, such as one that supports Freemarker, there is no
> such a restriction.
> Paul.
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