> Hi Jakub
> It does sort of work, the json is now fine thankyou, but why has the
> namespace prefix gone to ns2, previously it was ext, i.e
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <metadata
> xmlns="http://musicbrainz.org/ns/mmd-2.0#"><release-group-list
> offset="0" count="1">
> <release-group type="compilation"
> id="765675cc-070b-36e0-829c-69c7634e92ff" ext:score="100"
> xmlns:ext="http://musicbrainz.org/ns/ext#-2.0">
> <title>The History of John Fred and the
> Playboys</title><artist-credit><name-credit>
> <artist id="05cfb5c7-0152-41f4-a9c9-622e8f710dfa">
> <name>John Fred & His Playboy Band</name>
> <sort-name>Fred, John & His Playboy Band</sort-name>
> </artist></name-credit></artist-credit><release-list count="1">
> <release id="9cddae0c-1764-41d2-a1c4-0af2a8404e57"><title>The History
> of John Fred and the
> Playboys</title></release></release-list></release-group></release-group-list>
> </metadata>
> How can I keep it as ext, or is the original xml wrong in some way
> (forgive me but despite some effort I havent got my head round the
> namespace syntax)
> Paul
Never mind, solved the issue with NamespacePrefixMapper
thanks Paul