Re: [Jersey] Using client apis on server (or calling a REST service from a REST service)

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 08:58:14 +0100


Another option i have been thinking about is to allow injection of pre-
configured Client or WebResource instances. Just need to get around to
implementing something.

If you want to use Jersey's simple injection capability you can do:

public class ClientHolder {
   private final Client c;

   public ClientHolder() {
     c = Client.create();

   public Client getClient() {
     return c;

   public void destroy() {

public class MyResource {
   public MyResource(@Context ResourceContext rc) {
     Client c = rc.get(ClientHolder.class).getClient();

or you can use the InjectableProvider functionality, which i can
provide more details if you wish.

Of course if you are using Guice or Spring you can use their injection
facilities which are more powerful/featured than Jersey.


On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:54 PM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Andrew Ochsner <
> > wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Given that Client instances are expensive to create, is there a good
>> solution/approach to creating/destroying these in the context of a
>> Resource
>> (which currently is using per-thread instantiation)? I'm not doing
>> anything
>> complicated, just curious if there's a best practice for these
>> sorts of
>> things
>> Thanks
>> Andy O
> I would take a look at instantiating a single client instance (for
> each server that you need to contact), and storing these instances in
> application scope (i.e. servlet context attributes in a webapp) and
> then use them to create new WebResource instances on the fly in your
> resource methods. As long as you don't try wild things like changing
> the set of filters associated with a client on the fly, creating new
> WebResource instances should be threadsafe.
> Another alternative would be to precreate a pool of Client instances,
> and have your resource methods "check out" a client instance, use it,
> and check it back in -- analogous to the way that JDBC connection
> pools work. You'd ideally want to have the pool dynamically
> expandable up to the maximum number of simultaneous request processing
> threads you are configured for, or precreate that many of them ahead
> of time.
> A third choice would be to use a thread local variable containing
> Client instances, keyed by the current thread (Thread. in your
> resource classes (probably in an abstract base class to centralize the
> logic), and only create a Client instance the first time a particular
> request thread needs one. The tricky part of this approach, however,
> is how to clean up these Client instances. A ServletContextListener
> can help you deal with application shutdown, but I don't see any
> reliable way to deal with the fact that your servlet container might
> decide to throw away a request processing thread (instead of pooling
> and reusing them) any time it wants to -- with no notification to your
> app that this thread is no longer in use, so any Client instance
> cached for it can be thrown away.
> Craig
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