Re: [Jersey] Is Jersey capable of Implementing File Post

From: Anil Kumar Veeramalli <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 17:45:06 +0530

Thanks Paul. in this case how my REST URL look like.I would like to
explore more in this area. can you send me any links or resources which
will help me to explore more.


Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Anil Kumar Veeramalli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here is my requirement, Please suggest me whether Jersey API's are
>> capable enough or not.
>> 1) Build RESTful webservice which will consume the inbound XML
>> documents. XML documents will be different every time when we invoke
>> webserice.
> Yes. What XML API do you want to use to parse the XML documents?
> Although the XML documents will be different will the structure be
> well-defined, namly will there be a schema or will it be possible to
> unmarshall such documents using JAXB?
> JAX-RS/Jersey supports the types org.w3c.dom.Document as well as
> StreamSource, SAXSource and DOMSource for processing request entities.
> For example:
> public ... post(Document d) { ... }
> JAX-RS/Jersey also supports JAXB and is also capable of utilizing the
> Object type if there is an unmarshaller capable of supporting that by
> declaring a ContextResolver<JAXBContext> or
> ContextResolver<Unmarshaller> that returns JAXBContext or Unmarshaller
> for the type Object. I can send more details on that if you require.
> You can also plug in your own API using the JAX-RS MessageBodyWriter
> for any other XML-based APIs you might want to use.
>> 2) Parse XML document and populate Mysql database.
>> Step2 is possible its nothing to do with Jersey.
> Correct. That step could be very tricky of the structure if the set of
> XML documents you consume is not defined by a schema (or does not
> conform a well-defined structural pattern).
> Paul.
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