Re: [Jersey] Problem unmarshalling json with XSD using elementformdefault=qualified

From: David Johnson <>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 17:49:45 -0700

Hi Jakub,

Could you update me on the status of XML namespace support in JSON

If it isn't there yet then what alternative do you recommend? E.g.

David Johnson

On May 22, 2009, at 3:18, Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 08:27:04PM -0600, wrote:
>> I have an XSD I'm using to generate JAXB annotated java classes,
>> and I'm
>> attempting to use jersey's natural notation implementation to
>> unmarshal
>> JSON with them. If elementFormDefault on my XSD is set to
>> unqualified,
>> the JSON is correctly unmarshalled. However, if I set it to
>> qualified,
>> then only the attributes on the root element are unmarshalled; any
>> child
>> elements and their attributes are null on the unmarshalled object.
>> I've looked around the source code and javadoc and there don't
>> appear to
>> be any configuration settings relating to namespace for the natural
>> notation. Is there a known issue with this or something I'm missing?
> Namespace support for Jersey internal notations is missing at the
> moment.
> I am working on adding this. For the natural notation
> there is a feature missing in stable JAXB RI at the moment,
> which will prevent this to work until the next JAXB RI version 2.1.12
> is available (i was told, it should be released in the late summer/
> early autumn).
> ~Jakub
>> Thanks,
>> David Johnson
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