Re: [Jersey] Multiple ExceptionMappers for the same type of exception

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:51:04 -0500

You are correct that media type is not considered when searching for
an ExceptionMapper - something we overlooked that I agree would be a
worthwhile enhancement. Please open an issue at
  and we'll address it in JAX-RS 2.0.

For now you'll need to centralize exception mapping in one place and
use something like Request.selectVariant to pick the best media type
for the response.


On Nov 17, 2009, at 11:21 PM, Brian Gilstrap wrote:
> I've been having great success working with Jersey and JAX-RS, but
> one thing I tried recently doesn't work. Re-reading the 1.0 spec
> suggests that it may not be supported.
> I would like to have multiple sets of classes which work together to
> 'render' a set of resources into a particular MIME type. As an
> example, I have a sample system which is a simple music information
> database (artists, CDs, and tracks). I want to be able to render
> these conceptual resources as HTML, XML, or JSON (and in a manner
> that could be extended to other types in the future).
> Doing this in a manner which keeps each of the renderings separate/
> orthogonal from each other requires that I have multiple
> ExceptionMappers for the same exception which produce different
> media types. I had hoped that I could do something like this:
> =================
> package;
> @Provider
> @Produces( "text/html" )
> public class NoSuchArtistMapper implements
> ExceptionMapper<NoSuchArtistException> {
> // ...
> }
> =================
> package;
> @Provider
> @Produces( "application/music-xml" )
> public class NoSuchArtistMapper implements
> ExceptionMapper<NoSuchArtistException> {
> // ...
> }
> =================
> package;
> @Provider
> @Produces( "application/json" )
> public class NoSuchArtistMapper implements
> ExceptionMapper<NoSuchArtistException> {
> // ...
> }
> =================
> Unfortunately, when I did this Jersey seemed to pick one of the
> three ExceptionMapper classes at random and used that for all
> exceptions. I re-read the spec and realized that no discussion about
> @Produces or selecting amongst exception mappers based upon media
> types is in the spec. So, that leads me to think that this is not
> supported by the specification.
> So, I have a few questions:
> 1) Is this unsupported by the spec?
> 2) If it is supported, how do I make it work/
> 3) If it is not supported, why not? To put it another way: is there
> some really thorny issue that makes it useless for me to request
> this as a feature in a future version of the spec?
> 4) If this seems like a reasonable thing for a future spec, how do I
> go about suggesting it to the working group in the manner most
> likely to get my request noticed and seriously considered?
> Thanks in advance,
> Brian Gilstrap
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