Re: [Jersey] User controlled response

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 09:46:01 +0100

On Nov 10, 2009, at 12:11 AM, Louis Polycarpou wrote:

> I have a related requirement to David's. If I have a list of mime
> types that my resource can consume, how do I find out from within my
> resource method which mime-type Jersey 'accepted' in order to fire
> the current method?
> @GET
> @Consumes("text/plain,application/json")

The above should be:

   @Consumes({"text/plain", "application/json"})

> @Path("{id}")
> public String getId(...) {
> // if I'm consuming JSON do this...
> // else if it's plain text do this...
> }

Marc's reply shows how you can get the selected media type and then
you can compare that media type.

Depending on what you are doing it might be easier to separate out
your methods:

     public String getText(...) {

     public String getJson(...) {

It is possible to avoid duplication of @Path by using a sub-resource
locator. If you want to share state with the parent resource that
class can be a non-static public inner class, so one could do:

     public Inner getId(...) {
         return new Inner();

     public class Inner {
         public String getText(...) {

         public String getJson(...) {


> Thanks,
> Louis
> On 9 Nov 2009, at 23:02, Marc Hadley wrote:
>> On Nov 9, 2009, at 4:37 PM, dloy wrote:
>>> I want to create the response format (i.e. JSON, XML, ...) in
>>> Jersey. Does Jersey provide a mechanism for a program to capture
>>> the accepted Mimetype, as determined by Jersey, without Jersey
>>> creating the response format.
>> If I understand the question correctly. You can use
>> Request.selectVariant[1] to have Jersey pick the best matching
>> alternative from a set of available formats that you specify using
>> a list of Variants. E.g. if you supported JSON and XML for a
>> particular resource you can write something like:
>> @Context Request request;
>> List<Variant> variants =
>> Variant.mediaTypes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE,
>> MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).add().build();
>> Variant selected = request.selectVariant(variants);
>> MediaType selectedType = selected.getMediaType();
>> The above will look at the HTTP Accept header in the request and
>> determine the best match out of the list you provide.
>> HTH,
>> Marc
>> [1]
>> #selectVariant(java.util.List)
>>> Thanks
>>> David
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