Re: [Jersey] Can I suppress adding of _at_'s for attributes when generataing JSON from JAXB

From: Felipe Gaucho <>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 13:05:54 +0100

Ah, in the Return... It is Code, Not à configuratuon... Sorry

Sent from my iPhone

On 06.11.2009, at 12:43, Paul Taylor <> wrote:

> Paul Taylor wrote:
>> Using defaults I get:
>> {"artist-list":{"@offset":"0","@count":"1","artist":
>> {"@type":"group","@id":"8538e728-ca0b-4321-b7e5-
>> cff6565dd4c0","@score":"100","name":
>> "Depeche Mode","sort-name":"Depeche Mode","life-span":
>> {"begin":"1980"},"alias-list":{"alias":"Depech Mode"}}}}
>> but I've been asked for:
>> {"artist-list":{"offset":"0","count":"1","artist":
>> {"type":"group","id":"8538e728-ca0b-4321-b7e5-
>> cff6565dd4c0","score":"100","name":
>> "Depeche Mode","sort-name":"Depeche Mode","life-span":
>> {"begin":"1980"},"alias-list":{"alias":"Depech Mode"}}}}
>> Is there something I can change in my JSON configuration to do this.
>> thanks Paul
> FYI, using natural() rather than mapped() solves the issue
> i.e return new JSONJAXBContext(JSONConfiguration.natural().build(),
> "org.musicbrainz.mmd2");
> might help if this difference was shown in the examples in
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