wadl with XSD

From: Suchitha Koneru (sukoneru) <"Suchitha>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 16:09:38 -0700

Hello Jersey Users,

              Is there a way to generate wadl with XSD ? Typically the
wadl generated does not have reference to XSD of the JAXB objects being
returned by the restful service APIs

For example the following restful service API

public AlertPrefInfo getAlertPref( @QueryParam("custID") String custID){

            return DummyDataProvider.getAlertPrefInfo();



Has the entry shown below in the application. wadl . The restful client
should be made aware of the XSD for the java POJO AlertPrefInfo ? How do
we accomplish it.


<resource path="getAlertPref">

                <method name="GET" id="getAlertPref">


xmlns:xs="" type="xs:string"
style="query" name="custID"/>



                        <representation mediaType="application/xml"/>





